This Summer we have done our first ever blog swap with Jen from My Make Do and Mend Year! Read our blog, on her site here, but for now, read all about it from Jen:
“How exciting is this?! A real live blog swap, with the lovely ladies at fairandfunky too.
As I am sure you all know, fairandfunky have the most wonderful mission statement: empowering people to take little steps to change the world. And if My Make Do and Mend Year were to have a mission statement, I think I might just have to pinch this one!
Hopefully this little blog post will provide a little light entertainment on those rainy, and sunny days over the loooong Summer holidays. And it recycles some packaging, so Helen and Sophie should be pretty happy!
We are going to make a homemade jigsaw, and it is easy peasy lemon squeezy.
This is what you need:
A picture of your choice – either from a magazine, downloaded or your own drawing!
Pens and pencils
Pritt-Stick or similar
An old cereal box
This is what you do:
Get your Small to colour in the picture as neatly or otherwise as they can/will
Glue the picture to a suitably sized piece of cardboard from your cereal picture, making sure it is well stuck down all over (especially the edges)
Cut the mounted picture into as many pieces as you want-depending on the age of your Small, they can do this them self, or you can do itɉ۬I tried to make the shapes kind of jigsaw shaped (ish)
Jumble it all up!!
Then watch your Small delightedly do the jigsaw three times in a row, before being dragged away to wash hands for tea!”
Thank you Jen! For guest blogging here, and for hosting us with you.
Together, we will change the world.