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Schools Art Competition for Holme Valley Green Week 2024

We are delighted to announce that entries are now OPEN for the first ever fairandfunky Schools Art Competition, sponsored by Holme Valley Climate Action Partnership, for the Holme Valley Great Big Green Week Art Exhibition. Holme Valley Great Big Green Week runs from 30th September to the 6th October and celebrates all things green and sustainable. This year, alongside a green drinks network, and a green week get together we’re launching an arts competition for children.


The theme for the competition is ‘All things Green’, it can be created in any style or size, the only stipulation is that the artwork MUST be made from junk you would normally throw away. Let your children’s imaginations run wild!

The deadline for entries is Friday 30th August – all artworks must be delivered to fairandfunky at Holmfirth Tech with a completed entry form by this date. The competition is open to Primary age children from reception up to Year 6 and will be judged by fairandfunky board of directors. The winning entry will be notified by email and awarded an eco goody bag at their school. They will also win a recycling workshop for their class and be exhibited in the Great Big Green Week Art Exhibition in Holmfirth.  Runners-up entries will also be included in the exhibition.

All rules and information are detailed on the entry form. Good luck!


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