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SCRAP THAT PLASTIC at Eaton Park Primary School

We were met at Eaton Park Primary School by a wall full of inspirational quotes, and this one seemed fitting for the day ahead: “The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create.” Barack Obama. Our workshops use creativity to inspire and equip people of all ages to take little steps to change the world.

SCRAP THAT PLASTIC is designed to support curriculum learning in science, geography and art. The workshop begins with a quiz all about plastic – do you know when and where the first plastic was invented? Ironically the first plastic was made to replace animal shells and bone that were being used to create buttons and combs. Not all plastic is bad, it’s how we use it, and how we dispose of it that is the problem.

The quiz continues to teach the history of plastic, how it is made, how it is disposed of, and the impact single use plastic has on local and global environments. Through discussion and knowledge sharing between peers, young people begin to understand the range of positive choices they make, as we highlight the need to rethink and repurpose things we use every day. All children bring re-usable water bottles into school – but often don’t realise this positive behaviour change can be taken outside of the classroom. It is very rewarding to see young people become aware that they can make a difference and are already taking little steps to change the world. Their enthusiasm is infectious and encouraging.

“The engaging workshop gave the opportunity to be creative whilst learning the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing. It will help us rethink what we do in school.” Year 4 teacher feedback.

In SCRAP THAT PLASTIC we discuss the importance of the many ‘RE’ words: REmember, REduce, REuse, REpair, REthink, REpurpose before you REcycle. To carry these messages of sustainability out of the classroom students create their own independent artwork to take home, and make a collaborative artwork to display in school, using materials that would otherwise be thrown away. The classroom is filled with a hubbub of creativity and gives space for children to talk to each other, and us, about recycling in a relaxed environment.

“The children learnt lots about plastic use that linked to their learning. It added real value to our students, and they will be more mindful of recycling in school.” Year 4 teacher feedback.

Thank you to the staff and students for making us so welcome at Eaton Park Academy and for taking your own little steps to change the world in a fairandfunky workshop. If you’d like to book a workshop for your school, please email

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