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Show The Love

For over ten years, The Climate Coalition has united communities behind the power of green hearts every February. Show The Love has grown public support for climate action through local events, heartfelt conversations and green heart craftivism in every corner of the country. Each February, they encourage everyone to come together to make our passion for people, climate, and nature visible – turning love for our planet into powerful, collective action.


Empowering people to take little steps to change the world is what we do at fairandfunky, so joining the ‘Show The Love’ campaign is a no-brainer for us. We love our environment – from the little bees to the giant oak trees. We love the hills of the Holme Valley where we live and work, especially the River Holme and the nature we enjoy along the riverbanks. We love the people who work to protect our environments; the scientists, the artists, the botanists, the engineers, the campaigners and we love to work with young people to inspire them to be the next generation of changemakers.


We know that our every day actions have an impact on the environment that we love. Where we shop, what we buy, how we travel, what we re-use, what we throw away, can all affect the world we live in. The newer ‘stuff’ we buy, the bigger the impact, the further our ‘stuff’ travels the bigger the impact, the more ‘stuff’ we use once and throw away, the bigger the impact; especially in terms of carbon footprints. Our over consumption of ‘stuff’ is having a detrimental effect. And it isn’t just us, thinking these thoughts. When we go into schools, young people share their concerns about climate change, they’ve watched Planet Earth and care deeply about the oceans, and the animals and want to protect them. We’ve also seen a rise in climate anxiety with young people feeling helpless and that what they do doesn’t make a difference.




We strongly believe that little steps can change the world – and it doesn’t matter how old or how young you are to make a difference. And this is why we get involved with the ‘Show The Love’ campaign. Each thoughtful action we take matters, and our workshops in schools and in the community instil a creative, inquisitive approach to taking climate action and leave people empowered to do so. We share the many little things we can all do in our everyday lives and the differences they make. Whether that’s reusing a water bottle and saving energy or using recycled paper to stop deforestation. It all makes a difference. It can be as simple as buying a Fairtrade banana and composting the peel or shopping in charity shops to create a circular economy.


We don’t stop in our workshops though. We also campaign for improving our environment with other local green organisations, we join Culture Declares Breakfast meetings, we have regular contact with local councillors and our MP, and we have established Holme Valley Green Week. We’re joining our community this weekend at Huddersfield University for ‘Not Westminster 2025’. We are determined to create opportunities to ‘Show The Love’ for people and planet on our doorstep, in vibrant, creative ways. We have brought hundreds of people together in conferences, events and workshops to celebrate the environment and to be empowered to take little steps to change the world. And that, to us, is what ‘Show The Love’ is all about.


We’re looking forward to getting involved in the campaign again in 2025. Especially as for the first time ever The Climate Coalition are keeping the ‘Show The Love’ momentum going all year round. This means more chances to take action for climate and nature, make our voices heard, and show decision-makers just how much we care. Will you join us?

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